Direct Access

“But I don’t play any sports…”

If you aren’t a competitive athlete, you may not think that a clinic with “Sport” in the name is the place for you. In a previous post, we defined “sport” as anything that you play in a lively and happy way. Using that definition, we truly believe that everyone is an athlete! It doesn’t have to involve a court, a field, a ball, uniforms or a coach – if you are participating in an activity in a lively and happy way, we think you are an athlete!

At CSSPT, we have experience dealing with all levels of participation in sports from young gymnasts to weekend warriors. We also frequently treat walkers, gardeners, or people who need to chase after their kids or grandkids. If you are having pain that is preventing you from participating in your desired activity, we can help!

In Oregon, depending on your insurance coverage, most people are able to utilize “direct access” – which means that you can be evaluated by a physical therapist without having to see your physician first. Our physical therapists are well educated and trained to identify when your pain may not be caused by your musculoskeletal system and when you should see your doctor. For a lot of people, your injury or pain can be treated with physical therapy alone. At CSSPT, every initial evaluation includes a thorough assessment of your area of pain, as well as your spine and global movement patterns. We truly believe in treating the whole body, not just what hurts. Remember the skeleton song – “the knee bone’s connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bone’s connected to the hip bone…”? The entire body is connected and works as a unit. We will address the whole system instead of just looking at one small piece.

This is a great opportunity for any athlete – waiting to see multiple providers can take time and be expensive, limiting your involvement in your activity of choice or increasing your symptoms. With direct access, you can begin your recovery faster. Call our clinic to find out if you are eligible for direct access and schedule your appointment today so you can work, live, and play again. Don’t let your pain or injury limit the athlete in you!


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